Addison Street, Shellharbour Village, 1927.

Your Memories

Please share your memories of Shellharbour City with us.

We would like to hear your recollections of the people and places special to you in Shellharbour.

If you have any old photographs please share them too.

These contributions will add to our knowledge of the unique history of our special city, Shellharbour.

As part of our research for our upcoming 'Shellharbour Anzacs' exhibition to mark the centenary of World War One, we would love to hear your recollections or memories of Shellharbour during World War Two.

Do you have any ancestors who fought in World War One? We would love to hear about them so their stories can be included in our exhibition.

Shellharbour Road on the way to Dunmore c.1890.
Shellharbour Images Shellharbour City Libraries.

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